Mastodon New book! —

New book!

I started recording Heaven to Betsy today! Here are the first two chapters:

01 The Farm

02 Butternut Center

However, when I uploaded them to my collection,  I realized that I never finished “Over Sea, Under Stone” and the second book about a certain English nanny!  Oops.  I’ll try to remember to alternate.  Tomorrow it will be Susan Cooper’s turn. (Over Sea is my least favorite of the Dark is Rising series so it’s a bit hard to get motivated, but with Betsy as a reward I’ll get it done)

Slept fairly well, feeling fine today.  Migraine is gone. It’s warm and summery but not boiling.  I have excellent nectarines to eat.

Category: Audiobooks, Blog 5 comments »

5 Responses to “New book!”

  1. Brittany

    Yes please finish Over Sea Under Stone! I’m curious to know how it ends. And also the last book in the series too! :)

  2. El

    Your recordings are a delight to so many people! Thank you for sharing them so freely. It inspired me to record myself reading some of my dad’s favorite books in honor of his birthday. I’d like to post them on to share them with him, but I wasn’t sure if I’d get any flak for the fact that they are not in the public domain. They are kind of obscure books from the 1940’s/1950’s. Do you ever get questioned about the copyrights for the books you record?

  3. kara

    Hi El! I think that’s a wonderful idea, and I hope you’ll let me post a link when you’re finished. I’ll email some tips :)

  4. Petal

    So excited to see more Betsy! Thank you so much! :)

  5. kara

    Thanks for commenting, Petal! You’ve reminded me that I need to do some recording! :)

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