Mastodon Thursday —


Normal day, not great, not terrible. Took my metolazone so I peed all day but also felt less puffy. It’s a fair trade. Started some lemon peel vinegar with the lemon peels from making a fresh batch of tabbouleh. Mostly drank water all day to satisfy my burning thirst, but also ate a big juicy salad and a homemade burrito. I had enough leftover beans and rice to make four burritos so I got a little assembly line going and have three in the fridge for another day.

It was sunny enough to make proper shade so I had my nice outdoor time in the afternoon, like for three hours, just listening to my book and watching the bees.

Oh crap my heart just started racing… oh it’s ok it calmed down and is “only” 110 now, which is pretty normal for me.

Category: Blog 2 comments »

2 Responses to “Thursday”

  1. Kathy

    Your cooking exploits amaze me. Love to you.

  2. kara

    I really REALLY love to cook. It’s more and more challenging to plan recipes that aren’t too physically taxing, and are appetizing to my weird tastebuds, and that won’t mess with my poor sad stomach, but as you can see I am still managing. I crave lemon all the time. I put so much fresh lemon juice in my tabbouleh now it’s hilarious.

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