Mastodon —

The fair!

June 12th, 2010 — 11:47am

The fair started yesterday! Henry and Chloe and I got there about 5pm and stayed till 9 and had a wonderful time! We ate some fair food (real food, no Deep-Fried Butter for us, though Henry did try a Deep-Fried Twinkie, gag), and of course the wonderful Squeezers fresh lemonade. We walked through a couple of the commercial buildings, saw some of the kids’ hobbies and art, and spent a long time up in the Home and Hobby exhibits. A really nice Fair lady helped us find all our entries. Chloe got a third place ribbon for her mittens, and that was her very first fair entry ever! I’m so proud of her!

After a lot of searching, we found my four entries. The quilt got a 1st, the lace nightie a 2nd, the purple cardigan a 3rd, and the mittens got a 1st and fancy “Best of Division” ribbon, which means they were judged to be the best hand-knitted item in the whole competition :) I’ll take my good camera next time and get photos of my stuff on display.

We also had fun looking at the collections, and we asked the nice Fair lady lots of questions about our idea for a display of Grandpa’s color photos of the Lustron, and she seemed to think it was a great idea, so I think next year we’ll try to work up an interesting exhibit. We were very taken with a collection of food items made entirely of LEGO. We all gave that collection our votes for “People’s Choice” or whatever it is.

photo photo
photo photo

I can’t wait to go back to the fair!

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Absolute Zero, Chapter 3, part 1 & 2

June 8th, 2010 — 9:54am

Oops, I forgot to post Ch 3 Pt 1, so here are two at once:

Episodes 15 and 16 of “Kayray Reads to You”: Absolute Zero, by Helen Cresswell, Chapter 3, parts 1 and 2:


Absolute Zero, Chapter 3, Part 1 (9:22)

Absolute Zero, Chapter 3, Part 2 (11:55)

Please note: I made these recordings around 2002, and the sound quality is not as good as my more recent recordings. But I hope you will not mind the lower quality too much. You’ll probably be too busy laughing to notice, anyway.

This book is, sadly, out of print in the US. You can find a few used copies on Amazon: Absolute Zero on Amazon. Beware. Every edition after the original 1978 printing has the wrong cover art.

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June 7th, 2010 — 10:39am

Yesterday (Sunday) Mom and I went to the San Diego Art Museum together. We drove separately (we live on opposite sides of town and the museum is between us) and she hiked up from the parking lot while I took the tram, but we both got there at exactly the same time, which was hilarious, and then the minute we’d bought our tickets a docent was ready take us through the Greek art — mostly beautiful pots, but some marble and bronze things too. I remember learning about Black Figure and Red Figure decorations in college but I’d never seen any in real life, so that was really wonderful. And then we spent a long time in the North American paintings (mostly 18th and 19th century), and then the 20th Century gallery (spent a long time in front of the huge Matisse and Picasso paintings hanging side by side). Then we ran upstairs to spend a bit of time in the European galleries. I wanted to see Giorgione’s “Portait of a Man” again and we finally found him. And then we got freezing cold and left.

In the evening, Bob and Chloe came over and we watched last week’s Breaking Bad episode and then the current one. Oh my goodness that’s a great show. RUN.

Oh, here’s the Giorgione portrait that I love (probably painted in 1506):

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Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Ch 10

June 6th, 2010 — 10:25am

10 The Lobster Quadrille – 00:13:50

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Knitted stuff

May 31st, 2010 — 9:50pm

Jeeze, when’s the last time I wrote a real post? Well, anyway, I hope you’re enjoying the podcasts. Here are a bunch of things I’ve knitted recently. For more details, click the “Ravelry” button above each photo.

Slippers for Dan (he wears them constantly!)


Heavily modified “Girl Friday” cardi for me (top-down, no seams, elbow sleeves)


Self-stripe socks for Mom’s friend

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Striped socks for Dan, in progress


Next time I’ll tell you about the new flower bed that Dan dug for me, and the veggies growing in my backyard garden bed.

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Absolute Zero, Chapter 2, part 3

May 30th, 2010 — 11:27am

Episode 14 of “Kayray Reads to You”: Absolute Zero, by Helen Cresswell, Chapter 2, part 3:


Absolute Zero, Chapter 2, Part 3 (10:35)

Please note: I made these recordings around 2002, and the sound quality is not as good as my more recent recordings. But I hope you will not mind the lower quality too much. You’ll probably be too busy laughing to notice, anyway.

This book is, sadly, out of print in the US. You can find a few used copies on Amazon: Absolute Zero on Amazon. Beware. Every edition after the original 1978 printing has the wrong cover art.

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Absolute Zero, Chapter 2, part 2

May 29th, 2010 — 8:35am

Episode 13 of “Kayray Reads to You”: Absolute Zero, by Helen Cresswell, Chapter 2, part 2:


Absolute Zero, Chapter 2, Part 2 (10:35)

Please note: I made these recordings around 2002, and the sound quality is not as good as my more recent recordings. But I hope you will not mind the lower quality too much. You’ll probably be too busy laughing to notice, anyway.

This book is, sadly, out of print in the US. You can find a few used copies on Amazon: Absolute Zero on Amazon. Beware. Every edition after the original 1978 printing has the wrong cover art.

2 comments » | Audiobooks, Blog

Absolute Zero, Chapter 2, part 1

May 26th, 2010 — 12:12pm

Episode 12 of “Kayray Reads to You”: Absolute Zero, by Helen Cresswell, Chapter 2, part 1:


Absolute Zero, Chapter 2, Part 1 (9:56)

Please note: I made these recordings around 2002, and the sound quality is not as good as my more recent recordings. But I hope you will not mind the lower quality too much. You’ll probably be too busy laughing to notice, anyway.

This book is, sadly, out of print in the US. You can find a few used copies on Amazon: Absolute Zero on Amazon. Beware. Every edition after the original 1978 printing has the wrong cover art.

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Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Ch 9

May 26th, 2010 — 12:11pm

09 The Mock-Turtle’s Story – 00:15:11

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Absolute Zero, Chapter 1, part 2

May 21st, 2010 — 9:48am

Episode 11 of “Kayray Reads to You”: Absolute Zero, by Helen Cresswell, Chapter 1, part 2:


Absolute Zero, Chapter 1, Part 2 (14:04)

Please note: I made these recordings around 2002, and the sound quality is not as good as my more recent recordings. But I hope you will not mind the lower quality too much. You’ll probably be too busy laughing to notice, anyway.

This book is, sadly, out of print in the US. You can find a few used copies on Amazon: Absolute Zero on Amazon. Beware. Every edition after the original 1978 printing has the wrong cover art.

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Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Ch 8

May 18th, 2010 — 9:09am

08 The Queen’s Croquet-Ground – 00:15:17

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Absolute Zero, Chapter 1, part 1

May 15th, 2010 — 5:33pm

It’s time for a new book in the “Kayray Reads to You” Podcast! Absolute Zero, by Helen Cresswell, is the second book in the wonderful Bagthorpe Saga. Well, I should qualify that — the first four books in the series are wonderful. After that… well, let’s just say I recommend you stick to the first four ;-)


Absolute Zero, Chapter 1, Part 1 (11:42)

Please note: I made these recordings around 2002, and the sound quality is not as good as my more recent recordings. But I hope you will not mind the lower quality too much. You’ll probably be too busy laughing to notice, anyway.

Absolute Zero takes place in 1970s England and concerns the eccentric and multi-talented Bagthorpe family. In this book, Uncle Parker wins a contest and sets off a hilarious and chaotic chain of events in which the family’s pudding-footed mongrel dog, Zero, plays an increasingly large role. The humor is dry and very British, so it might not suit all listeners; however, I thought this series was the funniest thing I’d ever read when I discovered them at about age 10, and my son enjoyed the stories at age 6 or so, though he has been said to have “an advanced sense of humor”. This book still makes me laugh aloud every time I read it!

While searching for the right cover art (not easy), I bumped into a good review. Here’s an excerpt, and you might like to read the whole thing.

One of the things I like best about the Bagthorpe books is that the family is neither full of happy supportiveness nor full of abuse and negativity. The kids snipe at each other occasionally, mostly ignore each other, and rally around each other against any attack from the outside. The father screams a lot and is relentlessly sarcastic; the mother is practical but occasionally ineffective and distracted. Cresswell finds humor by exaggerating normal human behavior patterns until they break and throwing on beautifully timed coincidences, avoiding both the sickly-sweet feeling of some children’s books and the over-the-top nastiness of others. It’s very nicely done.

The book is, sadly, out of print in the US. You can find a few used copies on Amazon: Absolute Zero on Amazon. Beware. Every edition after the original 1978 printing has the wrong cover art.

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A few photos

May 15th, 2010 — 10:15am

On Wednesday we all (Susan, Sally, Henry, and me) went to Tango del Rey for the Rockola show and had the best time! Besides listening and singing along in the audience, we got to perform a little bit! I got to do the “Me and Julio” whistling solo, Henry and I did handclaps on “Stuck in the Middle”, Henry played guitar for “Wish You Were Here” and… something else, I forget what. So much FUN!

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On Thursday evening, Bob, Chloe, and Susan all came over to watch Survivor, which was a riot. Dan got a few nice photos; here’s my favorite, but there are a few more on my flickr:


Also I’m knitting a pair of socks for Mom’s friend. Mom chose Felici Sport self-striping sock yarn in the “Ecology” colorway. They’re turning out really nice:

(no login needed)
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I’m knitting them both at once on one circ. That way they’ll turn out identical and I don’t have to count rows :)

1 comment » | Blog, Handmade

The Saturdays, Ch. 8

May 12th, 2010 — 8:18am

Here’s the 9th episode of “Kayray Reads to You”: The Saturdays, Chapter 8:

The Saturdays: Saturday Eight (30:04)

Oh, it’s the last chapter already, darn it. The beginning of a wonderful summer (plus the introduction to the book).

(Love the story? Buy the book!)

the saturdays

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Susan is here!

May 11th, 2010 — 8:47am

Aunt Susan is here! Hooray! Chloe, Susan, Mom, and I went to breakfast on Sunday, and on Monday, Bob and Chloe and Susan came over for hours in the afternoon/evening. We all sat around and talked and ate and had such a nice time. I have the best family!

I still feel kind of rotten from that sore throat I had, tired and sniffly and run-down, and in the middle of the night I had a big coughing fit. Ugh.

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Brontë Sisters Power Dolls

May 10th, 2010 — 10:40am

This is the best thing I’ve seen in a long long time!

The joke’s on you, narrow-minded cur! We are WOMEN!

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Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Ch 7

May 10th, 2010 — 9:11am

07 A Mad Tea-Party – 00:14:54

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The Saturdays, Ch. 7

May 10th, 2010 — 9:10am

Here’s the 8th episode of “Kayray Reads to You”: The Saturdays, Chapter 7:

The Saturdays: Saturday Seven (24:55)

Tea with Mrs Oliphant!

(Love the story? Buy the book!)

the saturdays

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The Saturdays, Ch. 6

May 5th, 2010 — 10:27am

Here’s the 7th episode of “Kayray Reads to You”: The Saturdays, Chapter 6:

The Saturdays: Saturday Six (29:21)

A picnic in Central Park, and what happened afterwards…

(Love the story? Buy the book!)

the saturdays

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May 5th, 2010 — 10:16am

On Monday my throat felt funny all day, and then at night it turned into a proper sore throat. But not a terrible one. And then by Tuesday afternoon it seemed a lot better but then Tuesday night it came back with a vengeance. And now today it is just tender, but I suppose it will come calling again tonight. And now Henry’s throat feels funny. But we have to get better soon because my dear wonderful Aunt Susan is coming to visit for a whole week on Saturday! Go away, sore throat, go away.

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