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nice outing
I’m pretty worn out now, but I felt well enough this morning to go on an outing with Henry. We went to the MOPA in Balboa Park and looked at the beautiful photos, and then walked through the Botanical Building, and then through the Timken Gallery. I love the Timken especially much; I’ve been visiting it ever since I was a little kid and I just love to say hi to my favorite paintings. And then Henry treated me to lunch at In-N-Out!
Boy among the plants:
Botanical Building seen through the fancy railing at the Timken:
This Country of Ours, Chapter 14
This Country of Ours, Chapter 13
Ok, time for the next book. “This Country of Ours”, by Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall, is a book of US history for kids, from early exploration and settlement to the presidency of Woodrow Wilson.
It’s very long, but divided nicely into six or seven parts so I’ve divided my recordings likewise. I posted all of Part 1 back in 2008, but if you missed it you can download Part 1 here and catch up:
And now, on with Part 2: Stories of Virginia, from chapter 13 (Captain John Smith) to chapter 21 (The Knights of the Golden Horseshoe). You can read along and view the original illustrations at (You can buy a lovely paperback reprint of the original book there, too!)
The Swiss Family Robinson, Chapter 18
Hooray for the Swiss Family!
The Swiss Family Robinson, Chapter 18 – 27:58
Oh, it’s the end of the book. How sad.
relapse today. bad headache all day, plus return of illness in general. bah.
The Swiss Family Robinson, Chapter 17 part 2
Hooray for the Swiss Family!
starting to feel better!
Sorry there haven’t been any real blog posts for so long but I’ve been really sick and have only just yesterday started to feel a little better. Whatever Henry had two weeks ago, I caught about nine days ago and it knocked me flat. I’ve barely been able to get out of bed this whole time, and haven’t been able to read or knit or watch TV much (hurts my eyes), so I’ve been resting and listening to podcasts and audiobooks. Lots of Radio Lab, Fresh Air, and the BBC’s “History of the World in 100 Objects”.
I’m on the mend now, for sure, though it’s a slow recovery. Yesterday I had a bit of an appetite and a little more energy and spent most of the day sitting up. And we watched the Olympics!
Today I have a goal of folding all the laundry that Dan washed, and possibly throwing out all the dead and reeking leftovers from the fridge. They were worth saving nine days ago, but now, not so much. And then I’ll spend the rest of the day recovering and watching the Olympics with my Valentine.
The Swiss Family Robinson, Chapter 17 part 1
Hooray for the Swiss Family!
The Swiss Family Robinson, Chapter 17 part 1 – 13:09
(sorry, had the wrong recording linked here for a while but it’s fixed now)
The Swiss Family Robinson, Chapter 16 part 2
Hooray for the Swiss Family!
The Swiss Family Robinson, Chapter 16 part 1
Hooray for the Swiss Family!
a quiet week
Henry came down with a sore throat and hacking cough on Monday, so this has been a quiet week of no school, no Kung Fu, no piano. He’s feeling better now, well enough to go spend the weekend with his dad, but for a few days he was feeling really awful, poor boy. I let him watch a ton of tv, though I tried to get him to alternate candy tv with slightly educational TV. Hooray for James May and Jon Stewart! I let him watch a lot of Battlestar Galatica, but oh my goodness that show is just awful. I seem to remember enjoying at least the first season the first time through, but now I can’t stand it. Probably because I know the story doesn’t ever actually go anywhere satisfying, and every character (except Helo and Adama) becomes unbearably annoying. Ugh. So today I suggested Dollhouse instead, which is actually fun for me to watch the second time through. It’s uneven, but even the bad episodes are 100 times better than the bad BSG episodes. Battlestar got, what, four? five? dreadful tedious pointless seasons and poor Joss had to fight for his 27 episodes of Dollhouse. Sigh.
I haven’t been feeling very well lately, not sure if it’s Henry’s virus or something else but I’ve been coughing and sniffly and tired. So I haven’t been getting much recording (or anything else) done.
Henry and Dan convinced me to try Elizabeth Moon’s “Trading in Danger” and I”m really enjoying it!
The Swiss Family Robinson, Chapter 15 part 2
Hooray for the Swiss Family!
The Swiss Family Robinson, Chapter 15 part 1
Hooray for the Swiss Family!
Lion Dance!
Saturday was Henry’s first Lion Dance performance. The team went up to the Encinitas branch of the Kung Fu school for its Grand Opening celebration (I think they changed locations or something). Photos!
Musicians before the show (The drummer is Miss Edwards, Henry’s teacher)
I don’t know his name, but this character seemed to be the lion tamer:
Henry is the head of this green dragon:
The dancers do a fancy twisty move to reveal their faces after the dancing is over:
The performance was so cool! I can’t wait to see another, which should be soon because they have lots and lots of performances booked for Chinese New Year.
Feeling better today!
Today I woke up feeling a lot better, still sniffly but not bone-crushingly tired like yesterday. So hooray! Maybe I’m on the mend. Or maybe tomorrow I’ll feel horrible again. Who knows?
Drove Henry to his Drama class first thing in the morning, then to piano, then we made two grocery stops, then home and I grilled a bunch of chicken and played some WoW, then out to Henry’s kung fu lesson, then home and made some of the chicken into a casserole with spinach, sour cream, mozzarella, and parmesan. Then Dan played Settlers of Catan with us while dinner cooked, and then I took Henry back out to a Lion Dance rehearsal and now we’re home and I’m all worn out.
Yesterday I discovered a new iPhone game which is pictionary-esque and TONS of fun, and it’s free. It’s called “Depict”. It’s on the OpenFeint network, so add me as a friend and we might get to play together (kayrayovac). So far it’s nearly as fun as Words With Friends! (I’m kayrayovac there, too, so start a game with me if you like.)
Woke up feeling just rotten and felt rotten all day, achingly tired and weak and sniffly. Bah. I did manage to do some edits on a couple of my recordings for ignatius press and recorded some stories for the English teacher in Poland. And, um, I did laundry and drove Henry to and fro and made some type of dinner. And we played Settlers of Catan with Simon tonight, that was nice.
Henry’s in bed and we’re watching Peep Show. Hilarious.