Still wading through the exciting fun of trying to get my prescriptions filled. Luckily the Big Three (Opsumit, Remodulin, Sildenafil) that literally keep me alive come from a specialty pharmacy and were filled with very few problems (eventually) but I have 18 other meds that come from an ordinary pharmacy. My California doc said he’d keep prescribing till I got established with a doc up here. I called around, found a pharmacy that takes my insurance, and got my prescriptions transferred. Well, when I went to pick them up last week, it turns out that my Oregon insurance won’t cover them because my California doc doesn’t have an Oregon medicaid number. So yesterday I called my new doc, with whom I’ll have my first appointment next week, to see if she could send in new prescriptions for me. But she won’t do that till she sees me, and I’m running out of meds. Soooo she managed to fit me in for a 15-minute appointment this Thursday. Good enough, if it works out… super proud of myself for not getting all anxious about this!
I baked chocolate chip cookies today, and it was good timing because Henry and Co. came over tonight so I had someone to give half our cookies to because my recipe made TOO MANY lol.
Dave drove all night and got home at 4:30am! He was so wired from energy drinks that he only got a couple hours of sleep after he arrived, and of course I woke up and didn’t go back to sleep, so we’re both wiped out today. Soooo glad he’s home <3
Bad night last night. My bed wasn’t angled high enough so I had suffocation dreams, ugh, and woke with a headache. Ran some errand when I finally arose. Returned an overdue book to the library and paid my fine. (Last Summer at the Golden Hotel by Elyssa Friedland. So tremendously enjoyable!)
Then I went to the pharmacy to pick up seven refills, but… because they were prescribed by my California doctors, my Oregon insurance won’t cover them! No biggie, I’ll just ask my new Oregon doc to write new prescriptions asap.
In the afternoon I made a little beaded macramé bracelet for Em, for Valentine‘s Day. Sweet Em!
My family came over today! Freyja can sit independently until she topples over and is sprouting a TOOTH. She’ll be six months old in one week. Big sister Lulu is a firecracker! Interested in everything, sharp as a tack, never stops moving. She’s a handful, but as i said to Henry and Jayla, better a handful than a dullard!
Today I bought ant traps. Also I went on an excursion to the Mill End Fabric Store, which is about 8 minutes away and OMGGGGG. They. Have. Everything. It’s a HUGE store crammed full of every fabric and notion you can imagine. Woolens, silks, linens, all different kinds of dressmaking fabrics, a huge selection of quilting cottons, jacket linings, canvas, buckram, backpack hardware, drawers full of buttons, even a small knitting section with woolen yarns! No more frustrating trips to JoAnn’s!
I toured the whole store (till my feet hurt) but was very restrained and only bought a few notions and a yard of green and white striped jersey to make more undies. But I will be back, ohhhhhh yes I will be back.
Argh Dave was planning to drive home today but things are taking longer than he expected so he’s not on the way yet. I’m not lonely (I adore being alone) but I miss him and his round fuzzy face! :)
I finished the last season of Better Call Saul but the whole time I was watching I felt like I was watching something much older, like there was a ton of stuff that had happened after the bits I was watching. Just googled and, yep, I’ve been watching season 4 which is the penultimate season! Lol. So now I can amuse myself with the ACTUAL last season till Dave gets home.
Today I dealt with Tedious Medical Stuff. Called specifically pharmacy to refill one of my crazy meds and gave them my new insurance info. They needed a prior auth so I messaged UCSF to alert them. Then I found a local pharmacy that takes my insurance and called my old pharmacy to transfer all my non-fancy prescriptions. Then I called OHSU to get set up with my specialists, and gave them my insurance info, and scheduled an appointment. Then I spent a few hours trying to find a primary care doc. I called soooooo many places to finally find a clinic that takes my insurance AND is taking new patients, so got set up with them and made an appointment. I feel like there was something else too…
Of course more than half the time on the phone was spent on hold, but everyone I (eventually) spoke to was so pleasant!
By the time I finished all that it was nearly 2pm (I’d started at 9:30am) so I got up and had some breakfast and then I just chilled with Littlewood on my Switch and podcasts for the rest of the day.
Of course Dave and I FaceTimed tonight, as we do every evening while he’s out of town. It was so wonderful to see his dear, sweet, round, kind face. I miss that man. *heart eyes*
Trader Joe’s run! And I bought gasoline for the first time since we moved here. I fully approve of Oregon’s no-self-service policy! I got to sit in my car while a nice man pumped my gas. I gave him a $2 tip… hope that was enough. Must remember to keep small bills handy.
In the afternoon I worked on my vintage (1980)“House on Elm Street” embroidery project. Got the attic and third floor finished. Trying to make it last so I’ll probably wait a few days before working on it again. It’s so much fun though, with its variety of stitches and nice woolen yarns!
Last night I asked the Roomba to clean the living room after I went to bed. This morning I woke up to a message saying he was stuck and it took me forever to find him! I thought I was going crazy. Finally I spotted him, wedged under a flattened cardboard box in an adjacent zone. Silly robot.
I got my sewing machines set up and I sewed a little Valentine gift for Em — a cute little heart-shaped pouch with a zipper. My first sewing project in Portland!
My family came over today! I brought out my ancient Fisher-Price toys for Lulu to play with and she loved them! She got atarted pretending right away and it was wonderful and heartwarming to see. (I’ve managed to keep the house, the school, and lots of little people and their furniture and stuff). After lunch, Jayla and the baby stayed with me and napped while Henry took Lulu to her first drum lesson and then we hung out a bit more. Henry carried heavy things for me and took the bins out. My lovely family <3
This morning I helped Dave pack up for a drive down south for work and to bring home a van-full of his tools and whatnot. After he left, I got the Roomba started on another whole-house round and then I read and listened to audiobooks for the rest of the day :D I’m reading “Last Summer at the Golden Hotel” by Elyssa Friedland and listening to “Truly Madly Guilty” by Liane Moriarty (again)
Oops I missed a day. I have no idea what I did yesterday, but I do remember making mac-n-cheese for dinner.
Today I did a bit of unpacking and tidying and oh I remember something I did yesterday! I decided most of the house is tidy enough for the Roomba! I set him up on the network and had him forget the apartment map, and got him started mapping and cleaning our beautiful house. He got about 3/4 done by bedtime; today I sent him off to clean the whole house again. It took ten hours hahahaha! But only because he needs to keep going back to his base to recharge and be emptied. Our house isn’t THAT big/messy :D
Oh I just remembered! Yesterday I had my first Suzanne appointment since we moved. It was lovely to have a good talk again. I’m going to see if I can drop down to one session per month. Isn’t that brave?
Today I finished the first ep of The Gilded Age on HBO. Very enjoyable. It was a bit stiff and expositiony but not intolerably so; and the costuming is odd but not intolerably so :D I’m really looking forward to the next ep!
I unpacked a few boxes, flattened them, and put my sewing machines on their table. And then I baked a grapefruit bundt cake in our beautiful bright kitchen. Look at this pretty thing!
More errands! Got some little ceramic pots and potting soil so I could plant the little rootlings that Henry brought me: two spider-plants and a pothos.
Spent a few hours on hold this morning trying to figure out if I have Oregon health insurance or not. I think I might; I was able to make a web account and see an image of my insurance card! But I was unable to reach a human for confirmation. Ah well. It’ll sort itself out eventually. I just need to stay out of the emergency room for a while longer.
We’ve been watching the Junion Bake Off at night. All the kids are adorable and omg so talented! I wouldn’t even begin to know how to make a cheesecake that represents my dream holiday. Redheaded Lola melts my heart. I basically scream LOLA whenever she’s on screen. She got Star Baker and we were so proud and happy for her! It was awful saying goodbye to Mia, though. Bake long and prosper, Mia!
Ooo we watched such a good episode of “24 hours in police custody” tonight! I think it was s06e01, the one that starts out with a blackmail victim. No spoilers, but wow! That’s some Line of Duty stuff. Wished it was several hours long.
Beautiful clear cold day. I changed the sheets and washed two quilts, and sat outside for a little sunshine.
Errands this morning — Office Depot for graph paper, envelopes, and ultra-fine Sharpies for me; chair mat and file folders for Dave. Then Ace, which is right next door, for some hardware bits for Dave and just browsing for me, except I bought a suet bird feeder and a block of suet/seeds to put in it :D
Henry and Co. came over because their internet was down and he needed to work. Absolutely lovely to be able to see them so often!
Obsessed with Wordle, like all my friends on the twitter: The first thing I do every morning is solve the new puzzle!
Lovely day! I finally had the nice late sleep and lie-in I’ve been waiting for since we moved. Slept till 10:45am and lounged about for another hour before becoming vertical. Ahhhh.
Dave had errands to run so I built a fire and pulled my great-great-grandmother’s rocking chair up to the woodstove and read the new-to-me Liane Moriarty novel, “The Hypnotist’s Love Story” that I got from our little library.
Gentle drizzle all day. So peaceful.
I made fantastic veggie-barley soup tonight and Henry came over to help Dave shift his desks from upstairs to downstairs, where he will have his home office and his ham radio set-up and his music studio.