My 41st birthday was yesterday, yay!
Dan worked from home so that was a treat right there. Henry went with me first thing in the morning to pick up the birthday cake that I ordered for myself. Got it from Flour Power. It was pretty good, though not lemony enough and with wayyyy too much frosting, but still it was tasty and festive!
Then we had breakfast (including birthday cake) and the guys gave me some lovely presents. Let’s see, I got two lovely Elizabeth Zimmermann hardbacks, The Opinionated Knitter and Knitting Around so now I have all of her books! And the new reprint of Betsy and the Great World/Betsy’s Wedding. And a pair of absolutely adorable cupcake print pajamas, the very same ones that Liz Lemon wears in 30 Rock. Cute, cute, cute!
Dan also gave me a CD recording of my favorite performance of Die Zauberflöte — 1964, Otto Klemperer conducts. Lucia Popp is Queen of the Night. My old LPs are quite worn out and warped, and now I can listen on my iPhone and through the good TV speakers! So exciting!
I took Henry to his Kung Fu lesson at noon, and then at 1 we picked him up and we all went to Chloe’s house for a few hours, which was such fun! They gave me a fantastic Breaking Bad t-shirt (ladies’ babydoll-style in lime green — better get one for yourself now before AMC shuts them down!). Heisenburg! Lordy, we have to wait until July 2011 for more new episodes.
Celia gave me the “Free To Be… You And Me” CD! We were hanging out a couple weeks ago and someone said something about a boy with a doll… oh, it was their cat we were talking about. He has a little lion toy that he thinks is his kitten. Anyway Celia and I both started singing William’s Doll, and it freaked me out that she knew it! And she told me she had the CD, and I asked if I could borrow it someday, and she remembered, and gave me my own copy! Kirsten and I must have listened to that record 8,682,392,734 times when we were little and it’s so much fun to get to hear it again, all clear and nice and remastered. Our record had a skip in the “Atalanta” story, so Alan Alda said, “So he told Atalanta, so he told Atalanta, so he told Atalanta, so he told Atalanta,” until someone got up and moved the needle. My new CD doesn’t do that, heh :)
Chloe drew me a picture that illustrates elements of 13 of our favorite iPhone games. She’s amazing! I’ll replace this with a better photo tomorrow, but you can get a pretty good idea. If you go to the flickr page you can see notes that tell the name of each game. I love it so much!

And then in the evening, after Celia’s mom had picked her up, we brought Chloe back over to our house by way of a good Mexican take-out place, and then Bob came over and we watched “James May at the Edge of Space” and then “Hud” (1963, Paul Newman) which I love but none of them had even seen and I think they all liked it as much as I do.
So it was a very happy day!