Mastodon kara —

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November 10th, 2022 — 4:02pm

Last night was… odd. Fell asleep early, like 9:30. Slept till 1:30-ish. Then was awake for several hours. Then fell back asleep for half an hour only to be awoken by my **$&##* pump again. At 5:30-ish. And that was the end of sleeping. So, i feel like crap again.

But am safe and warm and have great internet and it’s 4pm and i can go to bed soon i guess.

But hey here’s a thing that Jayla sent me that makes me honk with laughter every time I watch it. Be sure to unmute.


Replying to @jessbargen #greenscreen Thank you for pointing this out to me, Jess.

? It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas – Michael Bublé

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November 9th, 2022 — 6:53pm

O hallelujah I got nearly 9 hours of sleep last night! Only woke up twice in the middle. Medium night sweats, normal dreams. Woke up feeling cheerful and human!

It got down to 32°f last night and the world was still only 36° and frosty when I got up. I went out right away to FedEx some stuff to Dave’s hotel, and my windshield was so icy it took quite a lot of windshield spraying and wiping to get it clear enough to drive. I think I’d better buy an ice scraper.

Got Dave’s stuff shipped, picked up a few things at New Seasons. When I got home I broke down all the cardboard boxes that had piled up in the entryway and stuffed them into the big recycling bin. Also took out trash and tidied up a tiny bit. And then I was worn out so I rewarded myself with some Mastodon time and rested for the remainder of the day.

Tomorrow I need to ship Dave yet another thing that he forgot, but then I hope to do some sewing — if I sleep again tonight, that is. Omg I hope I sleep. I felt like a new Kara today. Good cheery mood, too, which was a relief because last night I fell into a Deep Black Pit of Despair. Totally caused by exhaustion and sleep-deprivation, I knew it wasn’t real, but god it was just awful anyway. Nearly called a crisis line just to talk to someone but decided to try to sleep instead of clogging up the line and making it harder for someone else to get through. All’s well that ends well.

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November 8th, 2022 — 4:42pm

Up since 5:30am gahhhhhhh. Sleep, why doest thou forsake me?

Had a nice day anyway. Check out my sidebar —->

No more twitter link, replaced with Mastodon handle. Oh god I love Mastodon. The experience is completely different from twitter, even my own, carefully-cultivated, happy and gentle corner of twitter. I’m on a Mastodon server where it seems everyone is a history nerd of some kind, and 3/4 of them are knitters/crafters. But it’s not insular — everyone follows and reposts people with different interests from other servers. It’s so damn LITERATE, and considerate, and friendly. I hate to keep going on about it, but man oh man — this is what social media should be. NO ALGORITHM trying to enrage and engage me. No advertising. People who are excited about stuff. No doomers. Humanity at its best.

It’s election day and I wasn’t bombarded with angst all day — no, I was chatting with new friends about 17th century needlework and kids’ books. The election doesn’t need me to monitor it and feel all upset all day.

I’ve found that I’ve lost my taste for instagram as well. It’s so… pushy and flashy and commercial.

I did a load of laundry and finally finished cleaning up Dave’s Sunday Roast Dinner Kitchen Extravaganza. Did I mention that already? Sunday he spent all flippin’ day cooking himself an elaborate Roast Dinner (I only ate the peas) and then he was too exhausted to clean it up that night, and then Monday morning he flew out of town for work so… yeah. I think he used every pot, pan, utensil, and dish that we own, and every kitchen surface was covered with lamb grease. So it was Quite a Job, I’ll tell ya! But he’s sweet and warm and kind and cuddly, so I didn’t mind much. I just worked on it slowly over the last two days :D

How is it not bedtime yet? Feels like midnight, but is 4:30pm. I think I’ll watch some more White Lotus — I started season one over again from the beginning last night because I realized that my only memory of it was enjoyment. Lol. Memory loss has its advantages! More shows to watch!

It was cold and sunny today, just beautiful. Look at our maple — it turned bright yellow overnight.

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November 7th, 2022 — 9:24pm

Endocrinologist this morning. I’m a medical mystery.

Lovely cold gray rainy day.

Time change. Bah. Tired. Had tons of fun on Mastodon today. I need to remember to remove my twitter link from my sidebar here and add my mastodon link so you can find me there if you wish. Maybe tomorrow.

Watching White Lotus for a bit, then sleeeeeeep, I hope!

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November 6th, 2022 — 6:51pm

Really weird night last night. The good part was that my dreams were back to normal, and I had no night sweats at all! Maybe my body is getting used to the liothyronine already. The weird part was that I was wide awake from 1:00-ish to 3:30-ish, then slept till 5:30, and that was the end of sleeping. My eyes had that lack-of-sleep gritty feeling all day and I had zero energy, but oh well, I sat on the couch and played with Mastodon all day. I

love Mastodon so much!! The communiry is wholesome and friendly, kind and intelligent. I wouldn’t go back to twitter now even if Musk died. There is zero drama on my Mastodon server! I magine there are servers full of right-wing trolls and jerkfaces, but they can’t breach the Fortress of Goodness that is the server, nor, I imagine, the many other servers where my friends and family have landed. It’s just astonishing.

Now it’s time for the obligatory bitching about the time change. Why, oh why, oh why must they torture me. With my lack of sleep plus the time change, I was completely disoriented all day. Is it 11am? Is it 6pm? I have NO IDEA. At one point I asked Dave if it was almost bedtime and he said it was 3pm. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh.

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Samstag Abend

November 5th, 2022 — 5:21pm

Omg Hamza’s cha cha cha!!! I adore this man. He is an actual sunbeam of joy. And he got a great score — 38/40!

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November 5th, 2022 — 2:36pm

Ah looks like good ol’ twitter is going down in flames.

Lol. Yeah. So any spammer can spend $8 to shove my actual friends out of the way. Any spammer can pay $8 to impersonate my favorite scientists. NOPE. (I don’t see ads because I use a third-party twitter client, anyway) Suck it, Elon.

I’ve joined Mastodon, a decentralized social thingy. You can find me here: or if you already use Mastodon, I’m, which is an arts and humanities-focused server. Just put my handle into your search bar and you can find me from any server. It’s not hard.

I took a shower and washed my hair, and then I dropped our ballots into the drop box today, yay! I’ve been listening to the Taskmaster Podcast (Dara O’Briain’s episode lolololol) and knitting Jayla’s legwarmers, and now I’m gonna eat some yummy cold pizza!

Oh man. The dreams last night. They’re so LOUD, so vivid, so bizarre. Take the strangest dream you ever had, multiply it by 100, and stream it through your brain at top volume all. night. long.

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November 4th, 2022 — 8:22pm

Donno if I mentioned it, but I think I traced some (but not all) of my recent frequent tachycardia episodes to the THC/CBD gummies I take to increase my appetite, so I’ve stopped taking them, and have therefore barely been eating. Again. Tonight I got hungry all of a sudden and it’s Pizza Bus night at the local coffee shop, so Dave zipped up there to pick up a couple of wonderful hot fresh pizzas and I ate two slices! And there are leftovers to last the whole weekend. Calories! Nutrition!

Super crazy fatigue all day. But the yarn arrived for Jayla and Henry’s Christmas presents so I sat on the sofa, listened to podcasts, and started working on Jayla’s legwarmers. Legwarmers, lol. She, born in 1998, thinks the 80s were cool *heart eyes* Got several inches of ribbing done already.

It stormed all day! Rain and howling wind! The power went out a couple of times but came back within minutes so I didn’t need to switch over to my emergency tanked oxygen. Our little house is so cozy and warm and lovely.

When I got my blood drawn yesterday I forgot to take the bandage off asap so now the skin in the crook of my elbow there is swollen, burning, and painful from the adhesive ARGH. I discovered that ice helps a lot. Good to know. I am FALLING to PIECES. Gahhhh.

Time for bed and P&P.

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Friday morning extra

November 4th, 2022 — 8:45am

Liothyronine causes weird dreams, man.

Dream one was a nightmare. I had to clean out a basement which was open to the air and at street-level for some reason. My brother was helping. We had to scoop and scrape out several inches of muck that was like if you mix crude oil with garden soil and picture frames and newspapers and chunks of wood and a horse corpse and god knows what else, and we were scooping with kitchen ladles and the muck smelled awful and I was crying and screaming and terrified and the muck got in between my teeth, and then I woke up to pee, thank goodness.

Dream two, which I just woke up from, was a BBC drama starring Lily Tomlin as a woman who figured out how to make a fortune on the stock market by dubbing cassette tapes, which were labeled with various classical music pieces. She was also a secret alcoholic. There was a lot more to the plot but it has faded already.

And those, my friends, are liothyronine dreams. Not recommended.

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November 3rd, 2022 — 4:18pm

The night sweats are killing me. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Palliative Care Nurse Adam came over today. Always a pleasure to check in with him. Then over to OHSU for pulmonology appointment with Dr Robinson. He wants to wait and see if the liothyronine and slightly increased Amiodarone help at all before changing anything else. Got labs done too.

It’s 4pm and I’m so goddamned tired. Trying to stay up until Dave’s done with work so we can watch Taskmaster. I should eat but I’m not hungry, just ferociously thirsty. Stupid diuretics. I drink water, I pee, I drink water, I pee. All day long. Depending on lab results they might let me lower the dose a little. Fingers crossed.

COLD today! Only mid-40s! We’re expecting freezing temperatures soon, and maybe even snow? Tomorrow we should get two inches of rain and we are gonna be COZY with our wood stove. I hope I have the energy to make soup tomorrow because that would be the epitome of coziness.

Dreamt about driving an electric flying car, in between waking up nauseated and DRENCHED IN SWEAT. Soaking wet. Honestly, if you’ve never had severe night sweats you can’t imagine how awful it is. I need two quilts and a Heavy Blanket, because otherwise the evaporating sweat chills me to the bone. So I’m wrapped in wet pajamas and wet blankets all night. Lovely. And I need the window open a crack so I can get cold air on my face. Just shoot me.

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November 3rd, 2022 — 8:58am

I realized that Tuesday’s post didn’t publish properly but it’s fixed now.

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November 2nd, 2022 — 7:27pm

Woke up 5am and that was the end of sleeping so today my brain felt like a dish of lukewarm oatmeal. I just realized it was probably the liothyronine that kept me awake. Yay.

Yeah. So. I did nothing today. Well I worked on my embroidery project and enjoyed the Elon-Twitter Schadenfreude.

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November 1st, 2022 — 8:30pm

Slept well again except for sweating through my tshirt! Had a nice long chat with Elli this morning, then took a parcel to FedEx, a return: my Christmas Boots that are a size too small. Replacement should be here next week, in plenty of time for me to “forget” about them till Christmas.

Then I washed every dish we own, or that’s what it seemed like, and made a lasagna, and chatted with Henry, and worked on my embroidery picture.

Tonight, unless I’m mistaken, Lizzie Bennet will go traveling to visit Charlotte Collins, nee Lucas, and will become acquainted with Lady Catherine!

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October 31st, 2022 — 8:48pm

I slept well! Except for terrible night sweats but that seems to be my life now. Anyway, I had enough energy to run some errands I’ve been putting off. Drop off package at UPS, make credit card payment, do a little Trader Joe’s run. My branch of BofA closed, so I went to the one by TJ’s, which has a drivethrough so it’s better anyway.

Left at about noon, home by around two, put stuff away and then collapsed on the couch. Mom played Bach for an hour over FaceTime and then I just lay in the dark and listened to my crime thriller. Really enjoying the DI Claire Mackay novels by Marion Todd. The author narrates the audiobooks, too, and does a fine job, which is a bit unusual I find.

It rained all day! Oh lovely lovely rain, some drizzle, some pouring, all beautiful and treasured. No trick-or-treaters. Wasn’t expecting any — quiet, hilly, dead-end street with no young families — so I bought candy that I like and trick-or-treated myself :D

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October 30th, 2022 — 9:30pm

Ugh last night was rough. Sudden horrible nausea that lasted a few hours, then a night during which all of our medical devices beeped at us and woke us up every couple hours. My Remodulin pump kept telling me it had a blockage (lies) and Dave’s blood glucose sensor kept telling him he was having a low (lies). I ended up on the phone with the 24-hour nurse at my specialty pharmacy at 5am with TWO non-functioning pumps. We managed to get one of them working again and they couriered two replacements to me today.

Thought I’d feel horrible today with such interrupted sleep but, though I was quite tired, this was the second non-depressed day in a row, and I had a pretty good appetite too. I made myself a couple pancakes for lunch, finished the soup for second lunch, and made a bok choi stirfry for dinner.

I also managed to get the sheets off the bed and washed them, and then Dave put them back on all clean for us. I took a shower and washed my hair today too so now I get to put my clean self to bed in a clean bed and maybe get some sleep tonight, WHO KNOWS?

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October 29th, 2022 — 7:59pm

I think I’m about to throw up

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October 28th, 2022 — 8:09pm

Woke up early because I went to bed so crazy early last night, so I was pretty tired all afternoon, but I was not depressed at all today! So that was a nice change.

I pre-ordered a nice little organic, free-range, ethically-raised, boneless, white and dark, 4lb turkey roast, to be picked up on the Monday before Thanksgiving! I’m so excited! I love Thanksgiving dinner but a whole turkey is just way too much for the two of us. Even if Henry and co. come to join us, we’ll have plenty.

Oh man this week’s Taskmaster was so good. I watched it last night on my own and again tonight with Dave. Trolley-bowling! And the animal charades live task, omg. V!!! V!!!! Laughing so much makes me feel faint from lack of oxygen but it’s worth it!

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October 27th, 2022 — 6:55pm

Cardiology appt. Gonna increase the amiodarone slightly (stay at 100mg most days, 200mg twice a week) and hope that it benefits my heart without messing up my thyroid and eyes and everything.

Exhausted, depressed, eyes hurt from crying. Got thyroid workup at the lab — T4 is normal but TSH is off the chart high. Wtf. Anyway, I’m done with today and have crawled into bed.

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October 26th, 2022 — 5:52pm

Ugh the big fatigue. Why why why.

Internet Man showed up today and worked for hours. We have fiber right up to the house now but there’s trouble with provisioning and fuckups at the office, where our account was linked to some dude in Philadelphia. We’ve got a flashing green light on the router but no connection, so we’re back to using crummy old Comcast until CenturyLink figures out how to do their **ONE JOB** and get our fiber working.

Chilly tonight so I’ve just built a fire in the woodstove. Dave is very impressed by my exceptional fire-making skills! Not for nothing did I grow up in a shack with only a woodstove for heating.

Mostly listened to my audiobook today. I’ve discovered a good crime writer, Marion Todd, and am working my way through her Detective Claire Mackay novels. I’m on #3 now, “Lies to Tell”. Well-written, entertaining, and the audiobooks are well-narrated. My Scribd subscription is worth its weight in gold. My public library just can’t keep up with my crime thriller addiction.

I also scraped up enough wherewithal to try out a new knitting trick invented by the Techknitter: infinity loops. Such a mind-blowingly brilliant technique!! No pointy ends, no distortion of the fabric, and the loop is a true circle, with the knitting stitches going all the way around in one direction (counterclockwise in this example) not bottom-to-top on each half. This is accomplished by dropping all the stitches on one half of the circle-cable and picking them back up running the same direction as the other half. It’s such an elegant solution!

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October 25th, 2022 — 5:52pm

Listening to the beautiful tippy-tapping rain, waiting for Dave to finish work so we can watch whatever BONKERS thing they’re making on the Bake Off today. Those s’mores last week? Those were not s’mores (though they looked as disgusting as actual s’mores). The TACOS the week before? An insult to tacos, and not freaking “baking” at all. Just bake cakes! Pies! Biscuits! That’s what we want to see!

Waited all day, in vain, for the fiber internet man to show up and jack us into the matrix. Sigh. Still stuck with horrid comcast.

No side effects from my shots on Sunday! Hope they weren’t a placebo.

Had a big, good, weepy session with Suzanne this afternoon. We’re gonna step up to every other week for a while, instead of monthly, since I’ve been having a lot of sad gray moods. Dear wonderful Suzanne. She wants me to try to eat a bite or two of my yummy cottage cheese every few hours and really pay attention to the sensations, to try to learn to get pleasure from eating.

Thank heavens for the rain. I am so grateful that it has finally returned. I went to the bakery today and it rained all the way and the worlds is clean and green and shiny again. Oh, how I do love rain. We even had thunder and lightning last night!

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